We had a little halloween party at Teri's house about a week ago. There were lots of kids there and it turned out really cute. They ate, played games and attempted to make a pumpkin craft.

Edible witches hats and spiders. I found these ideas on the internet and thought they turned out cute. I messed up on the spiders though because they only have 3 legs on each side instead of 4.

I think Zac has a whole marshmallow stuffed in his mouth. William is the lion, but I can't remember the other 2 little girls names.

Carrying marshmallows to a bowl using a spoon. Usually the marshmallow got eaten before it ever made it to the bowl.

Kylee slept through most of the pary, but when she woke up I put these little butterfly wings on. They lasted about 2 minutes before she ripped them off.
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